Get the festive fever going... 1. Organise a tree decorating party, complete with eggnog and mistletoe.
2. Have a “carols by candlenight” evening in your home with all your closest friends, and a collection of sheet music of your favorite festive songs.
3. Head for the beach for a Christmas picnic of ham, turkey and salads.
4. Challenge your friends to a competition to see who can come up with the worst Christmas poem to be read at a get-together on Christmas night!
5. Pre-select enjoyable Christmas videos so that you won't be stuck with watching the dreadful endless re-runs of Santa with Muscles and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and such films.
6. Make a photographic collage from photos of friends and family over many Christmases past. It would be the talking point of the night.
Be a Santarina 1. Get some empty matchboxes and wrap them up, making sure the tray can still slide out. Then mount them all on a large piece of mahjong paper, and hang it on the wall. Put a Christmas saying or mini pressie inside each box and get your guests to choose a box each and pull out their surprise!
2. Get generous and give your guests a little something before they leave the party. You can get affordable gifts such as fancy soap, bubble bath or even get down to making or own.
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