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Friday, July 27, 2012

New Life for mars and venus... actually

Finally, I have come to a conclusion on revamping mars and venus... actually. Since I made a new blog on beauty product reviews over at http://puniaogoodies.blogspot.sg/, I might as well include beauty related posts in there as well.

Times are different now, men are starting to take care of their skin more than ever before. As compared to the early 1990s, there is definitely a significance increase in men's skincare line for men who wants to take care of themselves too.

What better opportunity to just simply combine mars and venus... actually and Pu Niao's Beauty Junkie Reviews by just simply posting beauty related topics there? This is practically a best of both worlds scenario for me and and readers.

So, change your bookmarks now. As mars and venus... actually will now be live exclusively over at Pu Niao's Beauty Junkie Reviews instead.

Of course, prevous old articles on mars and venus... actually will still stay here and not be brought over. However, Pu Niao's Beauty Junkie Reviews will have brand new beauty posts instead.

See you all over at Pu Niao's Beauty Junkie Reviews from now on ^^

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